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    The President of Suriname: Mr. Chandrikapersad Santokhi is actually the first 'real' president with a different attitude and vision for Suriname. Real changes are ahead of Suriname! <-----> De President van Suriname: Dhr. Chandrikapersad Santokhi is in feite de eerste 'echte' president met een ander attitude en visie voor Suriname. De toekomst van echte veranderingen in Suriname!

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    The elderly have contributed in the development of our society. They deserve to be respected and appreciated for that. There is always something to be learned from their experiences. <-----> Ouderen hebben hun bijdrage geleverd aan de opbouw van onze samenleving. Daar verdienen zij respect en waardering voor. Er is altijd wat te leren uit hun ervaringen.

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    Developments are essential in every field and everywhere. Keeping an open mind about changes in life enriches us with several pleasant surprises. And to commit ourselves to progress in life means accept changes with open arms. <-----> Ontwikkelingen zijn essentieel op elk gebied en overal. Ons openstellen aan veranderingen in het leven verrijkt ons leven met vele plezierige verrassingen. Door ons te verbinden aan vooruitgang in het leven, ontvangen wij deze veranderingen met open armen.

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    Colourful! These ladies from different cultural backgrounds prove that we don't differ too much from each other as we would like to think. Each one contributes personally to the cohesion and togetherness in our society. An amalgamation of our society. <-----> Kleurrijk! Deze dames van verschillende culturele achtergronden laten zien dat wij toch niet zoveel van elkaar verschillen dan wij misschien zouden denken. Een ieder draagt persoonlijk bij aan cohesie en saamhorigheid in de samenleving. Een samensmelting van ons gemeenschap.

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    The possibillities of community development and educational facilities should be available to all. In the city and in the remote areas. Every human being counts, even if they live in the far villages. <-----> Mogelijkheden voor gemeenschapsontwikkeling en educatievoorzieningen moeten voor een ieder beschikbaar zijn. Of het nou in de stad is of in ver gelegen dorpen. Ieder mens telt en zo ook de mensen die in de verre dorpen woonachtig zijn.

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    As long as we separate us from the others and see only differences in each other we will never succeed in living in harmony. Togetherness and acceptance of each other will make the world a better and pleasant place to live in. <-----> Zolang wij ons onderscheiden van anderen en alleen maar verschillen zien aan elkaar, zullen wij nooit in harmonie kunnen leven. Saamhorigheid en acceptatie van elkaar zal de wereld een beter en plezierig leefplek maken.

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Shaan Creations International (SCI) specializes internationally in social, cultural and communal cohesion and togetherness with projects such as film production, global citizenship, culture & art, social & society development, medical issues and educational development programs. Initiated and executed in countries such as the Netherlands, India, Suriname, and Mauritius, with the "Millennium Goals" as it's base.

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AMBAR: the movie

The third film produced by Shaan Creations International is named "AMBAR". AMBAR is the story of three young advocates in their journey as the beginning of their careers. A story based on real life events with lots of drama, comedy and suspense.

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SILENT TEARS: the movie

This film is based on real life events about suicide among youngsters. Why are these youngsters so susceptible to suicide? Are there certain aspects in our society that need more attention? Or are these youngsters not well equipped to handle the modern day hustle and bustle?

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COLORS OF LIFE: the movie

"Colors of Life" is a film based on a real life story as well, dealing with the consequences of hiv/aids among the young generation in our society. The film also addresses the attitude of the elders towards this deadly illness, which is equally important in fighting the illness.

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SHAAN CREATIONS INTERNATIONAL is al sinds 1992 bezig in Suriname met vernieuwende sociaal maatschappelijke projecten met een zekere meerwaarde voor de gemeenschap. De educatieve themafilms, de onderwijsvernieuwende schoolprojecten, de opvoedings- en begeleidingstrainingen etc. zijn allemaal activiteiten die Suriname nodig heeft. Daar spreken wij met lof over en hebben wij grote waardering voor. Daar zijn wij dankbaar voor. <---------> SHAAN CREATIONS INTERNATIONAL has been active since 1992 in Suriname with valuable communal projects for the society. The educational movies, the innovative educational school projects, the tailor-made trainings in upbringing and coaching etc. are all activities which are a great welcome for Suriname. We speak highly of this and we greatly appreciate it. We are grateful for that.

SHAAN CREATIONS INTERNATIONAL: we make the difference.