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Social Training


The train­ing as social coun­selor is part of the project “Col­or Your Life”. The project is imple­ment­ed by Shaan Cre­ations Inter­na­tion­al with finan­cial sup­port from the Min­istry of For­eign Affairs from the Nether­lands. With this project we want to estab­lish more social coun­sel­ing for school chil­dren who suf­fer from social neg­li­gence in their per­son­al lives. The goal of the project is to pro­vide a select­ed num­ber of can­di­dates the train­ing for social coun­selor and to pro­vide them the tools for coun­sel­ing and guid­ing in solv­ing social prob­lems of chil­dren and prob­lem fam­i­lies in the dis­tricts.

On the coun­cilors com­mit them­selves to the pro­vide social assis­tance to school­child­ren and prob­lem fam­i­lies in the dis­tricts. The expens­es of the train­ing are fund­ed by Shaan Cre­ations Inter­na­tion­al. This includes course mate­ri­als (books, hand­outs, infor­ma­tion brochures, etc., break­fast, snacks and drinks on the train­ing days). Require­ment for par­tic­i­pa­tion in this train­ing is that the par­tic­i­pants must be avail­able for five days (Mon­day to Fri­day) and must be clear­ly moti­vat­ed for the train­ing and the com­mit­ment to be ded­i­cat­ed to work through schools in the dis­tricts. The expens­es for the work they do for Shaan Cre­ations Inter­na­tion­al will be paid to the coun­selor by SCI.