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AMBAR ‑the movie

Pre­miere of AMBAR-the movie:
Date: Tues­day June 14 2016
Time: 19.30 hours
The­atre: Pathé Buiten­hof, Buiten­hof 20, The Hague


Pro­duc­tion: Shaan Cre­ations Inter­na­tion­al
Writer & Direc­tor: Amit Shaan
Music: Shaan Dig­i­tal Media & Shailen­dra Bhoe­lai
Edit­ing: Shaan Dig­i­tal Media
Cam­era: Tino Strijk­er, Den­nis Mahan­g­oe, Amit Shaan
Shot in: Nether­lands, USA & Mau­ri­tius
Lan­guage: Eng­lish (Dutch sub­ti­tles)
Dura­tion: 90 min­utes

Neha Roeck­shana Shaan, Seda Kil­ic, Daphne Zip­per
Jaap­jan de Back, Han­neke Wiers­ma, Roy Bron­s­geest
Guus Waal­wijk, Jer­itza Abdala, Hans Kluit
Janet Har­ings­ma, Bob Smit, Atil­la Sen
Roshan Has­samal, Vania Ram­jan, Vish­nee Dubessay

Julio Cesar Neves Dias, Lina Khan, Amit Shaan

AMBAR is the sto­ry of a young and strong advo­cate (Ambar) and her two asso­ciates; Meera and Ste­fany. As they are new to their pro­fes­sion, they have to deal with cer­tain inse­cu­ri­ties. But fate has a great oppor­tu­ni­ty in store for them. Do they dare to take the risk? How they man­age to suc­ceed is the essence of the sto­ry. Par­tial­ly based on true events, AMBAR is a heart­warm­ing expe­ri­ence.