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SCI Netherlands




Shaan Cre­ations Inter­na­tion­al has expe­ri­enced a tremen­dous growth in the last 5 years in their activ­i­ties as well as pro­fes­sion­al­ism of the orga­ni­za­tion. Estab­lished in the nineties, with sev­er­al vol­un­teers at its basis, the foun­da­tion was meant to pro­mote cul­tur­al cohe­sion in the Dutch soci­ety.  Mean­while the aim and pur­pose of Shaan Cre­ations Inter­na­tion­al has grown far larg­er in for­mat, with projects of inter­na­tion­al stan­dards. Cul­tur­al and art projects, social and soci­ety devel­op­ment, med­ical issues and edu­ca­tion­al devel­op­ment pro­grams are orga­nized and exe­cut­ed year­ly in the Nether­lands, India and Suri­name. The Mil­len­ni­um Goals are the basis for Shaan Cre­ations Inter­na­tion­al to ini­ti­ate and exe­cute pro­grams and projects.

Shaan Cre­ations Inter­na­tion­al ded­i­cates all their pro­grams for the bet­ter­ment of the peo­ple in our soci­ety, who ben­e­fit in whichev­er way from our pro­grams. We strive for a bet­ter world where every­one can live in peace and har­mo­ny, where every child can go to school, where we have no hunger and dis­eases and where polit­i­cal pow­er will be used as a mech­a­nism to change the world into a world near heav­en.

shaancreations tall comp

Help the world!

  1. There is so much food in the world that no soul has to be in hunger. Still mil­lions of peo­ple die of hunger every year. Why?
  2. There is so much anti­retro­vi­ral avail­able in the world that every hiv pos­i­tive or aids patient can be pro­vid­ed with it, but anti­retro­vi­ral is made avail­able for just 20 per­cent of the infect­ed. Why?
  3. There is so much wealth in the world that a house can be build for every sin­gle human being, still mil­lions of souls live on the streets. Why?
  4. Every coun­try has so many pos­si­bil­i­ties for edu­ca­tion of every child, still mil­lions of chil­dren can not go to school. Why?
  5. Drilling and plac­ing a well in every vil­lage in the third world coun­tries costs between 300 — 500 euros only, but still mil­lions of peo­ple don’t have clean drink­ing water. Why?
  6. Tuber­cu­lo­sis and malar­ia should not be a killing dis­eases with the mod­ern med­i­cines and drugs which are avail­able, still mil­lions die of tuber­cu­lo­sis and malar­ia every year. Why?
  7. The insti­tu­tion of every coun­try says that women have the same rights as men and they are equal to men, still the insti­tu­tion­al rights of mil­lions of women are vio­lat­ed and mil­lions are killed every year. Why?
  8. Open and fair trad­ing in the world and no child labour. Still many coun­tries are pre­vent­ed to export their  prod­ucts and child labour is as much part of our life as it was in the sev­en­ties. Why?
  9. Bil­lions are spent on fight­ing unnec­es­sary and self designed wars and buy­ing mil­i­tary equip­ment, but there is no bud­get for solv­ing domes­tic issues as: health ser­vice, hous­ing, infra­struc­ture, cre­at­ing employ­ment, hunger, pover­ty etc. Why?

These are just some exam­ples of how hyp­ocrite facts are in today’s world. Pol­i­tics play such an impor­tant part in all these issues. It’s like a game they play: You think some­thing else, but you say some­thing else. You say some­thing else, but you do some­thing else. And who are the vic­tims of pol­i­tics? The com­mon peo­ple, of course! Gov­ern­ments have bil­lions to spend on these glob­al issues, but just a small part of the mon­ey is spend on the real issues. Big NGO’s get bil­lions of dollars/euros to spend on these issues, but most of the mon­ey is spend on the NGO’s itself.

With most of the mon­ey, which is meant for solv­ing these glob­al issues not being spent on these mat­ters, how will we ever have a peace­ful and har­mo­nious world? The work of small­er NGO’s is by far the most impor­tant and most effec­tive in the fight against all these glob­al issues. It’s the work of orga­ni­za­tions like ours that have the best results. And the most impor­tant part is that we do the same work with a much small­er bud­get, but with bet­ter results.

Shaan Cre­ations Inter­na­tion­al is a small NGO in com­par­i­son of many big NGO’s but our work has been most effec­tive with great results in the past and present. Keep on sup­port­ing our activ­i­ties because this is tru­ly a won­der­ful con­tri­bu­tion you make for the bet­ter­ment of our own world.